Hello again!
It's Wednesday today and I feel like I might be beginning to get into a bit of a blogging schedule. I probably shouldn't jinx myself but hopefully I can begin to build a better blogging habit for myself and get posts out three days a week. I'm shooting for Mon/Wed/Fri postings. So far so good!
This has been a crazy week for me, so far, and I can feel it's only going to get crazier. I'm going home this Saturday (to South Florida) and next Friday I'll be flying out Central Europe.
Yes! You read that right! My summer vacation/Graduation gift this year is a Central European trip. I'll be hitting up Copenhagen, Poland (Krakow, Zakopane, and Warsawa)and finishing off my trip in Oslo. It's all very exciting and very nerve wrecking because I really hate the travel part of travelling. But I'll cover all that fun stuff in a different post.
Today I feel like reflecting a bit on Hygge and The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking.
I totally bought this book on a whim a few months back because, honestly, it's super cute and sometimes I books based on the covers. But also, Copenhagen is my first stop on this trip and I know very little about Copenhagen. I know more about Danish Viking history because I took a class on it this past semester, but I've really been focusing on Poland as the main part of my trip. This little book is totally changing my views though.
I never knew there was a word for the cozy way I like to live my life. Who knew it was really in Danish! Hygge is everything I strive to achieve in my life and this past Sunday was totally a day of hygge for me.
It involved warm hot chocolate from a local cafe, outdoor seating with overcast skies, really good company, and a great new book.
I can't wait to write up a full review of The Little Book of Hygge when I finish it (which should be by the end of the week). The book is small, only 221 pages, but I haven't wanted to rush through it. It would defeat the idea of hygge completely. So I've been taking my time reading through each section and really letting it all sink in. I can't wait to see all the hygge Copenhagen has in store for me!
Cheers xo
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