Mini Monday Moments March Edition

Bonjour and Happy Monday!
Monday Monday.
Happy April 1st! I honestly can't express how happy I am to be in a new month. The month of March was not a fun one for me. I can always tell when it's not a good month because I don't take photos during bad months. SO my Mini Monday Moments really is mini this time.
I got really inspired during the middle of the month and began only listening to Janis Joplin. (As I'm known to do) Pearl is my favourite album. I have a special connection with this album that dates back to my very early, very informative years and listening to is again gave me the courage to brush my hair out and actually leave the house with this massive poof of hair.
I will say, it's probably the most confident I felt the whole entire month.
The rest of my month consisted of me not being able to read anything. I finished a grand total of ONE book in the month of March. It's safe to say, I am in a reading slump. I know!! The horror! But actually though, it has been a struggle to really fall into any book and get sucked in. The only book I did finish was The Wicked King by Holly Black and I;m happy to say I finished at least that. I'm really hopping that April will be a stronger reading month for me because my reading goal for the year is 75 and currently I am at...9. Yeah. It's a pretty small number but my plan of attack for April is to read smaller books and hopefully that will help me fall back into reading.
Overall, I am happy to kiss March goodbye and I can't wait to dive right into the month of April. I'm diving back into reading and diving right back into blogging. Wish me luck!
Cheers xo
